The Clarkesville Lions Club Invites you to Fasching in Helen Georgia!
Celebrate with Music, Dancing, Food, and Fun!
Dress as your favorite, or perhaps, your least favorite personality or character. (Please exclude Politics)
You decorate your table(s) with your own theme (Tables hold 6 people)
Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle
Prizes for: Best Table decoration, Best Male and Female Costume, And Best Dancer
Cost: $20 Per Person or table for $120 (please send reservation fee to PO Box 788, Clarkesville Ga30523. Checks payable to Clarkesville Lions!)
When: January 20th, 2018 from 7pm-11pm
Where: Helendorf River Inn, Helen, Georgia (with rooms at special rates to those who want to spend the night! Book direct with the Helendorf: 706-878-2271)
Why: Proceeds help Clarkesville Lions, their county eyeglasses for the underprivileged project and state projects such as Ga. Lions Lighthouse, Ga. Camp for the Blind, Leader Dog, and Ally.
RSVP: NLT January 10th, 2018
Contact: Lion Richard Gay @ or (703) 946-4287, or Lion Whitney Keller @ or (706) 968-6921
We are looking forward to seeing you there!